
Emily Gatewood Massage

Elevating well being through therapeutic massage

and personalized mind-body fitness.

If you are looking for a massage right away,

please understand I am currently

 booking out several months.

Rates and Services

Massage Therapy

Recommended Sessions -


60 minute session      $95

90 minute session      $120


If you are looking for a more targeted session to address a specific muscle group, I can also do shorter sessions. However, if you are looking for deep relaxation or stress relief, please consider booking  a90 minute session.

Please be in touch if you'd like to book a session or have any questions. Thanks!

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Email Emily

Emily's 20 years experience in therapeutic bodywork, combined with her background and training in yoga and Pilates, support you in your desire to be in a body that feels balanced, moves with ease, and is strong and confident. Emily is a licensed and NCBTMB certified massage therapist, a STOTT PILATES™ Method  certified instructor, and an RYT-200 yoga instructor.