
Emily Gatewood Massage

Elevating well being through therapeutic massage

and personalized mind-body fitness.

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 booking out several months.

Pregnancy Massage

A prenatal or a pregnancy massage is a nurturing, calm-evoking and quiet time for moms and mom's to be.  Prenatal massage shares many of the goals of typical massage and bodywork - to relax tight muscles, improve circulation and mobility, ease soreness and in general make you feel great.


What makes this work different is that it's specifically tailored to meet the needs of pregnant women and their changing bodies; so positioning is key.  Also knowing what are common experiences during the different trimesters,  examples of some are fatigue, sensitivity to smells, breast tenderness, headaches, low back pain and increased mobility in ligaments.


I utilize the bodyCushion™  positioning system in most of my prenatal sessions and find these provide a highly desired experience for most pregnant bodies.  These cushions can also be used for bodies that may not be comfortable in a prone or face-down position such as post-natal or breast-feeding moms.  I am also more than happy to work with added pillows and cushions to provide a supported and comfortable experience inside-lying positions.


Personally, I LOVED using the bodyCushion system to receive bodywork during both of my pregnancies right up through the end of my third trimesters.


Check out the American Pregnancy Association  website if you or a loved one are thinking about receiving a prenatal massage.

Swimming with my daughter and skating with my son!

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Emily's 20 years experience in therapeutic bodywork, combined with her background and training in yoga and Pilates, support you in your desire to be in a body that feels balanced, moves with ease, and is strong and confident. Emily is a licensed and NCBTMB certified massage therapist, a STOTT PILATES™ Method  certified instructor, and an RYT-200 yoga instructor.