
Emily Gatewood Massage

Elevating well being through therapeutic massage

and personalized mind-body fitness.

If you are looking for a massage right away,

please understand I am currently

 booking out several months.

Massage Therapy

Every body is unique and different on any given day, so your session will be tailored to meet you in the present, emphasizing your preferences and needs. Needs may range from relaxation, to relief from stress or chronic pain, to rehabilitation from an injury.


My 20 years experience as a massage therapist allow me to effectively address your needs while promoting deep relaxation to create a container for present-mindedness.


With ongoing treatment I can help you unwind longtime patterns of stress, tension and bad posture. My experience with postural analysis, as a fitness instructor, and 20 years of bodywork, advise my work for longer term goals. Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss a treatment plan.


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Pregnancy Massage

Please visit my Pregnancy Massage page for more information. This work is very dear to my heart.

Benefits of Massage

The therapeutic value of massage is recognized for many medical conditions and is now commonly used as a complimentary treatment in both traditional and alternative medicine. Massage therapy, by improving both physical and mental wellness, is also valuable to prevent the need for medical treatment for a variety of conditions including muscle and joint pain, the effects of bad posture or uneven movement due to chronic muscle knots, and the broad negative health effects of stress.


These are some of the most common benefits of massage therapy and bodywork:


  • You will feel more at peace in your body and mental state.
  • Increased joint mobility and increased range of motion
  • Your muscles will feel less tense and knotted
  • Improved Circulation
  • Reducing scar tissue and promoting tissue regeneration
  • Decreased depression and anxiety
  • Massage can enhance your quality of sleep and increase energy
  • Prevention and treatment for tension headaches and migraines


In addition to the benefits that you will feel in each session, we can work together to address chronic ailments through a series of treatments designed for your specific goals.  If painkillers have been only solution you've been offered for years of nagging pain, try massage therapy.  You may be able to achieve lasting relief from pain by addressing the source of pain.

Emily is a licensed and NCBTMB certified massage therapist.

Who is Massage Therapy for?

While massage therapy has benefits for everyone, and obviously has tremendous benefits for those with chronic pain or tension, it is also useful for anyone seeking less stress and more relaxation in their day.


I am lucky to work with many clients on a week-to-week, or month-to-month basis, but also those who may be treating themselves for that special occasion or while vacationing in Vermont.


Part of what I love about what I do is the variety of people I get to help. Young, old, the serious athlete, those who spend many hours at their computer,  those on a path to better health.


 I strive to use my experience and training to make each session special to that individual.

What to Expect

Your session will take place at my locale on River Street in Montpelier, VT.  There is plenty of free parking in front of the building.  We have a separate entrance where you can leave muddy boots and winter coats before entering the peaceful waiting area - where you are encouraged to relax until it is time for your session


If it is your initial session, we will have extra time to discuss your health history and often times perform a postural analysis.   First and subsequent sessions will always allow for check in time to discuss goals or desires for your time on the table or any new concerns or needs that may arise.


When we are ready to begin your massage, I will leave the room to give you time to get on the table and for me to wash my hands thoroughly.  The temperature and light of the room will be adjusted to your preference and my table will be heated if you desire extra warmth.  You will undress to the level you are comfortable, undergarments may or may not be worn and you will always be draped with a sheet and blanket, with only the area to be worked, to be exposed.  It is completely capable to perform a relaxing and therapeutic session over clothing and draping as well and this is always an option.


I will knock on the door before re-entering the room to make sure you are ready.  I will check in with you about the comfort of the table and face cradle and the music being played.  I will let you know that it is good to communicate any needs with me during the session and that I will ask you about pressure, temperature, etc.  I will be quiet except to check in and will allow you to guide any conversation that may come up if any.


Depending on the amount of time we have, the parts of the body to be massaged will include back, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, face, glutes/hips, legs and feet.  Abdominal work depending on necessity and comfort of the individual.   It is best to let me know ahead of time if there are any areas of the body you prefer not to be massaged - it is not uncommon or strange to make this request.  Typically I do not use oils, but an organic/vegan massage cream made by Sacred Earth Botanicals.  Some body-work techniques are best achieved without any lotions.  At times I will incorporate specific essential oils either applied to the body or used in a spray-mist as well as arnica or other sport gels.  I never use "fragrance", but please do tell me if you have any skin allergies or sensitivities.


The most benefit can be gained from our session if you are able to relax, unwind and breathe.  Depending on the day and what we have going on in our bodies and lives, this may be easier said than done.  But if there is anything you need to be more comfortable during your time on the table, it is best to to speak up,  and not worry about hurting my feelings.  I want you to enjoy what you are receiving on the massage table!


When our session has ended,  I will leave the room to give you time to slowly get up and re-dress.  I will remind you to drink water ( it is very common to feel thirsty afterwards).  I will knock before I come back to check-in.  It is normal to feel very relaxed and possibly sleepy or dreamy after your session.  It is also common to feel more energized and self-aware after you've had some time to enjoy an initial period of physical and mental leisure.


A note about my work . . .

I integrate a variety of styles of massage in each session according to individual needs.  Rather than book a session for a particular style of massage, I'll talk to you about what you want to address and tailor my work to your needs and preferences for that session.


If you know what you'd like by name, Swedish, for example, I am happy to use that style for your session. For those who have never experienced the benefits of an integrated style of massage, please give it a try.


I have 20 years of experience using a variety of styles to best address each client's needs.

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Emily's 20 years experience in therapeutic bodywork, combined with her background and training in yoga and Pilates, support you in your desire to be in a body that feels balanced, moves with ease, and is strong and confident. Emily is a licensed and NCBTMB certified massage therapist, a STOTT PILATES™ Method  certified instructor, and an RYT-200 yoga instructor.