
Emily Gatewood Massage

Elevating well being through therapeutic massage

and personalized mind-body fitness.

If you are looking for a massage right away,

please understand I am currently

 booking out several months.


Winter 2022 Pilates Instruction

(Online Video) Pilates - via Green Mountain Community Fitness, Thursdays at 9am. Please contact me for more information.

STOTT PILATES Method Instruction

Why I Love Pilates

Pilates is unparalleled, I believe, in providing relief from back pain and stress and moving toward your ideal posture.  It is an extremely effective exercise, whether you are post-rehab, an athlete or an exercise enthusiast.  Pilates will improve all your other movement passions, and even help you feel better in your day-to-day chores like doing dishes or stacking wood.


As an exercise enthusiast and yoga lover myself I had dabbled in mat Pilates over the years here and there. After my second child had turned one, I was able to start taking some Pilates classes more regularly.  And although I didn't have a “back problem”, I found that my back and body in general felt strong and engaged after each class. Even better, I realized I could carry that engagement to the rest of my day-to-day activities and then into my other sports.  It has given me a new understanding of how my body works and how to make it feel even better.


Pilates is a great compliment to my work as a massage therapist and has become prominent in my work in postural analysis.


Starting any new fitness regime, such as Pilates or yoga  can be greatly enhanced by completing a postural analysis.  A postural analysis will give me a clear base line to inform my choice of exercises to use in formatting a private class or class series.


We will talk about how best to modify exercises or postures and incorporate the use of props.  Injury prevention and rehabilitation, balance in the muscular and fascia systems, and increased mobility can be more quickly gained through this initial assessment.


What is the STOTT PILATES™ Method?

The STOTT PILATES™ Method, developed by Moira Stott, builds on the principles of the late Joseph H. Pilates. The Stott method uses modern knowledge of the musculo-skeletal system, and has been refined over two decades with the help of a team of physical therapists, sports medicine, and fitness professionals.


This method is based on modern principles of exercise science and rehabilitation – making it one of the safest and most effective methods available.  With a focus on core-stability, including pelvic and shoulder girdle stabilization, neutral alignment of the spine, and breathing, this method of exercise  helps restore the natural curves of the spine, relieves tension, and enhances self-confidence.



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Emily's 20 years experience in therapeutic bodywork, combined with her background and training in yoga and Pilates, support you in your desire to be in a body that feels balanced, moves with ease, and is strong and confident. Emily is a licensed and NCBTMB certified massage therapist, a STOTT PILATES™ Method  certified instructor, and an RYT-200 yoga instructor.