
Emily Gatewood Massage

Elevating well being through therapeutic massage

and personalized mind-body fitness.

If you are looking for a massage right away,

please understand I am currently

 booking out several months.

I send occasional emails to my clients to let them know of specials, upcoming openings, and helpful health, fitness, and wellness resources. I don't send frequent emails, once a week at most.


Please sign up below. Once you're signed up, please let me know if the information is helpful and the if the frequency seems about right. We're in this together, so I want to know if you're happy.



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Emily's 20 years experience in therapeutic bodywork, combined with her background and training in yoga and Pilates, support you in your desire to be in a body that feels balanced, moves with ease, and is strong and confident. Emily is a licensed and NCBTMB certified massage therapist, a STOTT PILATES™ Method  certified instructor, and an RYT-200 yoga instructor.